Thursday 28 April 2011

Front Cover Magazine Designs

Design 1

This is my first idea for a front cover design. The main image would be a long shot of the model/artist situated on the right hand side of the magazine. This leaves space on the left third to place all the coverlines and tag lines for the content of the magazine. The long shot is quite an unconventional choice for a usual magazine, however, in this case it is useful because then the reader is able to see the way the model is styled, gaining a bigger response to their personality from what they are wearing to the props they may be using. placing the image on the right hand side leaves space for the cover lines on the left third, this results in leaving the focus on the main image instead of it being obstructed by writing. The masthead is situated in the top left hand corner, which is one of the few places most magazine titles are placed, it would depend on the font and size of the masthead to make it stand out from any others, but it will be easily identified once placed in a cliche position. Next to the mast head would be a puff containing another sub story which isn't as important. Above the masthead would be a strapline containing names of artists that are in the content of the magazine, this can reveal to the reader whats inside so they can get a taste of what they may be interested in. The last small elements that would be on the front cover are a pug which would contain the price of the magazine, and a barcode which would be in the bottom left hand corner of the magazine, slightly hidden from the reader.

Design 2

This is my second idea, the main image is a medium close up shot of the model/artist, this is shot is useful because the models face is still close enough to express their emotion and the eyes are still centered to captivate the readers attention which is important to draw the audience in. The mast head is situated across the top of the magazine however, placed on the layer behind the image of the model, this highlights the importance of the model and their story, however, this also shows that the magazine is so well known that it is still identifiable when being obstructed with an image. The main headline story would be in the left third of the magazine, which is a common place to be, however, it may overlap the main image considering that the story is based on that model, it also makes the cover seem slightly busier to fit in with the indie genre, this will attract the audience. Underneath the main headline will be the other coverlines in a neat column, with colour filled text boxes behind them, this makes it clearer and easier for the audience to read, instead of struggling to read off of a busy background, this also makes it easier to the eye and may introduce extra colour to add vibrancy to the magazine. other elements that will be included are; a banner at the bottom of the magazine, on the top layer to advertise a competition that the readers can get involved in, this attracts the readers in because they have a chance to win a potential price. There will also be a pug placed on the top layer, next to the image to highlight the price of the magazine.Another selling point for the magazine will be the strapline at the bottom of the magazne, which will say something like 'your indie fix'. Underneath the mast head i will place the barcode in the corner, this will be done because it isn't a pleasant sight on the cover and would be well hidden underneath the more interesting masthead.

Design 3

This is my third idea, the main image is a close up shot of the model/artist, using a close up is useful because the reader can be drawn in by their facial emotions and connect with the model, this makes them feel more of a part of the magazine. However doing this means that the audience can't see the models clothes or pose, which is a big influence on their personality and hints towards the story as well. The masthead is situated in the top left hand corner of the magazine, again this is a very cliche position, so would be easily identifiable to an audience. The main headline will be situated on the left third of the page, but not overlapping the image in this case because the image is a closeup, any part it would cover is an important part of the models face. Underneath the main headline will be an explanatory line for the story, this gives the reader a quick insight to what the story is about and the formality of the story, so they are able to decide whether their interested or not. below this will be a list of  the other sub stories and coverlines, with a few Polaroid images associated with the stories beside them. On the right of the image would be a list of artists within the magazine, this give the audience a chance to see what stories are inside the magazine, and if any artists they they listen to are featured. Other elements would include a barcode in the top corner of the magazine to be hidden away without obstructing any images. \also a banner at the bottom to highlight a competition with a chance to win, which will appeal to the readers, and a pug to highlight the price boldly, this means they would be able to quickly see the value for their money.

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