Saturday 23 April 2011

Initial Magazine Title Ideas

VERSATILE:Versatile in the sense of music means that a person is able and enjoys listening to different genre's and that they do not stick to one obvious one but varies their choices. In my opinion, i feel this title is relevant to the magazine because when describing my target audience, this would be a key term i would use. It can also attract a wider range of people because the title gives the essence to anyone that it would contain many stories varying to different tastes, therefore are bound to find it interesting.

RIOT!: This is my second idea, it relates to the magazine in the sense that it can fit in with the indie/alternative genre as an action taken by young adults, however, i feel this title is a better fit for a rock magazine, it provides a rebellious adrenaline pumped feeling, which for my target audience and genre is a bit too far out of range. Another reason, is that with a title like 'riot!' a quick association can be made to a messy, scattered look which unfortunately my magazine would not portray, seeing as i am targeting slightly older consumers, and not teens who it may appeal to more, unlike the more ssophisticated slightly neater approach.

A.M.N:This is an acronym which stands for 'Alternative Music Now' this is influenced by the magazine NME, it is a popular magazine and the bluntness of the title i thought is effective, which is why i came up with A.M.N. If i used this title the name simply tells the audience straight away what genre of music the magazine is associated with, which would consequently then attract that audience, using the word 'now' would also tell the audience that the news given in the magazine is exclusive, and they would be the first to hear it.

CLASH: This title can be associated with rock magazines in the sense of the sound effects made when acting in a rebellious fashion, however, i feel it would be a perfect word to use as my title because it does not connote any specific genre of music and even better it can mean that the contents inside may 'clash' with each other, giving that appeal of the versatility in the magazine with the more mainstream artists being highlighted as well as the indie/alternative ones.

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