Thursday 21 April 2011

My Initial idea

So far in my process of creating a media product, i have analysed existing magazines and audiences to determine the type of magazine i would want to create. I have come to the conlusion that i would want to create a music magazine with an indie/alternative genre of music, this would consist of many artists that fall under the genre of 'rock' however, the difference for my magazine which could offer a more unique selling point is that it will contain alot more mainstream artists who are also well known and influencial. In my opinion, doing this would mean that my magazine would appeal to a much larger audience, giving the magazine a higher rate of success. The age range i am targeting would be between 17-25, this isn't a specific category split, but i believe it is a reasonable aged audience of young adults, this means that the way i portray my magazine would still be alternative in a sense, however, slightly more sophisticated in the way everything would be layed out.

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