Saturday 23 April 2011

Initial Image Ideas

On the cover
  • For the image on the cover, i think the most eye catching option would be to use a close up shot of the model, this has been shown to be effective on Q magazine for example, however this shot would only be successful if the artist is well known and is based on a story you know for sure the audience will want to read about. The close up shot would need to be centered on the middle of the cover so that the eyes are the main attraction, leaving your audience drawn in by the intensity they give off.

  • The next option would be to use a medium shot of the model, this exposes more of the body allowing the audience to see more of their personality, however, this shot would still be close enough to see the intensity and expression on the models face therefore still attracting the audience in by it, this shot would probably be the best option because the idea of my story is to show how our artist has changed in the way she acts and the way she looks therefore this shot would be able to show how she is styled and the expression on her face.

  • The last option would be a long shot, this offers the audience an insight into the full body of the model, revealing everything she is wearing. This shot doesn't allow you to see facial expressions as well as the others, however, it offers the chance to use props which could accentuate the models personality more.

On the contents page
  • As research shows, a typical convention on a contents page is to use another image of the model used on the front cover, this keeps the attraction of the story, so the audience are compelled to read it.
  • Also, i will have to include secondary images for sub-stories in the magazine, this is to promote reading the whole magazine which would show i contained many more interesting headlines. These images could include -pictures of new album covers-pictures from artists live tours-pictures of the audiences at gigs and festivals-or pictures of other artists.
On the double page spread
  • On the double page spread i will use a larger amount of images previous to the other pages, most probably one main image, and then 2/3 smaller ones, some of which could be poloroids or thumbnail layouts. This gives the reader a variety to look at, aswell as, decorating and keeping the page interesting.

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