Thursday 21 April 2011

Initial Story Ideas

Story lines are the key element needed in any magazine, they are what the reader will look at and then decide if they are interested,  if the reader  loses interest, they would have no reason to buy the magazine again, here I have thought of 3 different story lines I could  possibly use for my magazine, the stories would have to contain a typical indie/rock convention of having an edgy story,  however because my magazine will contain more mainstream artists I will have to include elements which are typical in a any kind of music magazine.

Story Idea 1

Is Faye’s Solo a NO NO?!
This story would contain Faye(the music artist) who has now realised herself she no longer wants to be a solo act, but wants to be in a group, it would be laid out as an interview asking her questions on if the rumour is true, and why she has decided this. This story would appeal to the target audience because they would be interested to know if she is going to join a band, why she wants to, when, and if the music will be the same. Having an exclusive story like this will also attract the audience because they would be intrigued by anything new, that no one has heard before.

Story Idea 2

Faye's Frills to Thrills!
This story would be based and discussing how much Faye has changed since she has entered the music industry, she has been transformed from a cute, innocent girl producing music, to a rock sex icon. The article would be based on a interview with her discussing the how she felt before and after the transformation, and the reason behind it, the story would show a comparison of the 'two different people'. This would appeal to the target audience because it shows the rebellious side of an artist being revealed and how she did it, Faye could then be an influence on many people who don't feel comfortable with themselves. This article would also attract a wider audience because her original 'pop' fans would want to read about her transformation as well.

Story Idea 3

Faye's Change of Heart
This article would be based on our artist Faye deciding she no longer believes she belongs in the music industry , it would be an interview with her discussing her exclusive  news on why she doesn't feel welcome in the music business anymore, and offering a special personal farewell in this article, this means the audience would be her fan base, as they are intrigued in why their icon is suddenly leaving, as well as it being an interesting read for any other fans that are interested in the music industry.

Other potential story cover lines for the front cover and contents page:
·         Katy Perry's live London tour exclusive
·         Top 100   songs at the moment
·         New band formed; will they be a hit or miss?
·         2 music icons are hitching up, and moving in?!
·         revealed duets
·         upcoming festivals

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