Sunday 1 May 2011

Contents Page Magazine Designs

Design 1
In the top right hand corner of the page is a small banner with the title of the magazine and the date beside it, i have chosen to put the title so that they are constantly reminded what magazine they are reading, however i have done it smaller because it isn't the main feature on the page, the date is there so the readers know what week it is that all the contents of the magazine are situated on. Underneath the masthead is another banner with 'CONTENTS' written this is the title of the page and is slightly larger to get the readers attention straight away. Below the title is a small Polaroid image of the editor associated with the whole editors section, where they will write a small amount of text introducing them self and the magazine. This makes the readers build a slightly more personal relationship with the magazine. finally, below the editor note is a image of the main feature of the magazine, this would be a picture of the model used on the front, however, at the same scale  size as the other images on the page, as the magazine are trying to advertise the other stories as well as that one. The page is sort of cut in half into two columns, with smaller sections within them, they consist of 3 sections, named;album reviews, features, and new, this makes it easier for the reader to navigate where they want to go throughout the magazine, they are clearly cut off and close by to all of thee sections are another 2/3 images that would relate to other stories in the magazine. this keeps the audience interested and makes a busy page to seem as thought the magazine is filled with lots of content, the audience will then anticipate they are getting more for their money.

Design 2

In this design i have placed the masthead in a small banner across the top of the page, beside it is  the word contents slightly smaller and on the other side is the date even smaller, the reason i have put them all in a banner is to use the banner to highlight the whole title but it is small enough so that the readers can concentrate more on the text and images below. The page is completely split into two columns, one side with the editors section at the top and another 2 or 3 images down the column, and the opposite side with a banner at the top which states the masthead and 'this week' next to it, to emphasize what magazine contents your looking at and the issue numbers contents for that particular week. Below this in the column is 3 smaller sections named; features, news, and album reviews. Having the sections makes it clear for the reader to view and navigate. Below these is one more image of the main feature, with the same artist/model as the front page.This keeps the continuity from the front page to the contents page.

Design 3

This design is slightly different to the other two in the sense that there is no banner with the word 'contents' in, instead we have a banner which is placed a third down the page stating the masthead and 'this week', again suggesting that its whats inside this particular magazine this week. Above this i have placed the editors section, with a Polaroid image of the editor next to it, and beside that a puff which could contain a competition for a chance to win a prize, with the page number. Now below the masthead banner, the page is split once again into two columns, on the left side is a column of two to three images, one of which being the main feature's image, all roughly the same size this is so that the reader's attention isn't just drawn to one image, and indicates that all the stories are interesting and important. In the right column would be the three sections again, titled Album reviews, features, and news, with page numbers beside them for easy navigation around the magazine.

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