Thursday 21 April 2011

Maslow's Hierarchy of Need's

This is Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of needs's, it is a psychological theory relevant to many subjects, such as, psychology, sociology, economics, and business. In this case i am relating his theory to marketing in media. Maslow believed that  the stages going from physiological towards self-actualization are the steps an individual must take to be happy within themself at their job. The bottom of the pyramid are the essentials where everyone would begin such as breathing and sleeping, and as you climb the pyramid higher the elements become more of a luxury, until you reach the top where you have everything that can make you happy in yourself and the people around you. In a marketing sense, the marketing department of a business would place their product in a  section of this pyramid in order to establish, the rate at which it would sell, the consumers, the price, the quality of the product, and even the location at which it would be sold. My product is a magazine meaning it isn't an essential, and is a product that people can easily live without, therefore, it would be placed at the top of the hierarchy and be labelled as a luxury not a need.

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