Sunday 1 May 2011

Double Page Spread Magazine Designs

Design 1
This is my first design, which follows the conventions of Q magazine having a main image taking up the whole right page and leaving the text on the left, doing this means that the readers concentration is focused more, as well as the image being a full-body pose which can show the personality and face all in one through how they are styled and the emotions they portray. Normally a spread like this is for a more mature audience with slightly more text, however, i challenged this to fit with my target audience by adding many more images on the left side and even another on the right. The slightly younger audience would be more interested in images breaking up the text just to keep them intrigued throughout the article. The title would be mainly placed on the left side, depending on how long it is, it may over lap onto the right and go onto another line. I have also shown where i could place a pull quote from the interview on top  of the image, this gives a summary of the formality of the interview in one for the reader to decide whether they are interested. Overall, i think this spread could appeal to my target audience with the correct balance of images and text breaking each other up, whilst still looking neat and sophisticated.

Design 2

This Design also has the big main image on the right and the text on the left, however, the difference between this one and design 1 is the model has a full body shot, although it also has two other pictures below and a quote beside that, this just makes the page seem slightly busier opposed to design one. The title will go across both pages, this attracts more attention to it because it will seem bolder taking up the whole top of the page. Also on the left page there is a slightly larger amount of text as opposed to design one, however they are split into two neat columns as any traditional magazine would do. The page also includes more images and another pull quote, as well as an explanatory line underneath the title, this gives the audience a quick definition of what the article is about, when they may be flicking through the magazine. Overall this design is slightly busier and may appeal to a much younger audience than my target audience, the amount of images isn't the problem i just feel that where they are placed could be distracting.

Design 3

In this design i have taken some elements of the other two, i have chosen to put the title all on the left page, and work downwards if it is too long, this is because when the reader is flicking through the magazine the title being on the left will mean it would be the first thing they see, so they are automatically intrigued by it. Beside the title on the left page will be 3 images running vertically down the side, and the text columns will be neatly aligned through the rest of the page. On the right page will be either a whole image of the model/artist or a merge of images from the same photoshoot taking up the whole page, on the top layer of this side i will embed a pull quote from the article, this is a summation of the formality of the article for the readers. The layout of this double page spread is neat in the sense the columns and images are all very aligned however, so the audience cannot get bored from this, the excessive amount of images i will use keeps them interested.

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