Sunday 8 May 2011

Front Cover Construction Process

After this stage i had added some extra cover lines using the same rectangle tool and text tool, as well as adding a small image to go along with one of the cover lines, this just adds some more interest to the page so the readers have plenty to look at. i also added a strap line once again using the rectangle tool to create a banner as a base for the text on top of it..This is going to be my final front page done, and will be shown above under the final products post.

The added elements on this page are the cover line i have added on a white text box, the white box just makes it clear for the reader to see against the bold background. I made the box using the rectangle tool, and then used the text tool for the writing. I also downloaded a bar code font and typed with the text tool in the top left corner below the masthead, below this i changed the rectangle tools setting to make a circle for the pug, i did this to create the base for the price, and adjusted the opacity of the colours so they are not as bright.

For the fourth stage i have constructed the main cover line, the first steps i had to take was to use the rectangle tool with black fill, i then lowered the opacity so the black isn't as dark, this was the case for the artists name to stand out against the bold background. i then created individual text boxes for each of the words, this was so that the words were easily placed and re sized. The alternating sizes adds an edgy element which would attract the target audience as well as the alternating colours which fit in with the colour scheme, the only odd colour is the pink, however i used this on purpose to emphasize the word 'frills' because the point of the story is going from a innocent girly dressed woman to an edgy rock sex icon. So the font overall emphasizes this. I overlapped the words on the image because it brings more attention to it, however, i was careful enough to frame her face and not obstruct the main part of the image.

The only difference in this third stage is adding text into the banner to advertise a competition to 'Win reading tickets for you and your friends' i chose black and white and kept the font the same as the masthead to keep the continuity of the colour scheme and font. I added the text by selecting the text tool and typing what i wanted, i then re-sized the text box and rotated it to the same angle as the banner. On the list of layers i had to place the text layer higher than the shape layer so that the text was visible.

This is the second stage, the difference is creating my masthead in my chosen font of stenstreet, i did this by selecting the text tool and typing, i chose to size the font so that the mast head takes up the whole top line of the page and have chosen to do it red as it is the third colour of my colour scheme which would contrast well against the black and white background. I have also created a banner at the bottom of the page by selecting the red swatch for the colour fill and creating the banner using the rectangle tool, i then edited this by rotating the banner slightly and changing the opacity of the colour lower so you are still able to see the picture underneath it.

This is the first stage to creating my front cover product. So far in this process i have created a background on photo shop of a alternating black and white radial effect i chose these colours because its the main two colours from my chosen colour scheme. I had then opened up a separate tab on photo shop and opened up an image of my artist against a wall, i had selected the magnetic lasool tool to crop the image away from the original background. After this i had used the rubber tool and zoomed into the image to rub away any of the background that didn't get erased to make it look neater and more precise. After this i used the auto contrast tool to correct the lighting and make it clearer and used the red eye tool on my models eyes to make them their original colour. After editing the image i then selected it and copied it onto the background, i re sized it and matched it up to the bottom of the page.

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