Tuesday 3 May 2011

Questionnaire Analysis

Once setting up a poll on my blog, i came to realise that the votes made weren't as efficient as i would have liked, so i came to the conclusion of giving out the same questionnaire on a handout. I then collected these in straight away and analysed what results i got to what choices i would have to make for my magazine design and production process to meet the needs of my target audience:

What Gender are You?
20 people had answered my questionnaire and out of those 20, 14 were female and 6 were male, this means i should mainly aim my magazine at females, but perhaps include stories that both males and females would be interested in. This is what i intended to do for my initial idea.

How Old are You?
1 person was between 11-15, 3 people were 25+, 7 people were in the age bracket of 16-18, and the last 9 fit in at the ages of 19-24. If i analyse this i was right to choose my target audience as an age range from 17-25, because 16 people out of the possible 20  were between the ages of 16-24. having the majority of the people that answered my questionnaire fit into my original target audience age range is helpful because i can most definitely use the information collected from this to make decisions in my production process and almost be guaranteed that it will fill the needs of this age range.

What Music magazine Do You Prefer?
In order from lowest to highest, no people chose 'Classical', 3 people like 'Mixmag', 4 people like both 'Vibe' and 'NME', and 9 people prefer Q. This result shows that my intuitions for my target audience were correct in the sense that they were slightly more mature and go for the slightly more sophisticated magazine. Also, Q magazine has the closest resemblance to my initial ideas for my genre where they would mostly focus on rock/indie culture, however also include some mainstream artists (e.g. Cheryl Cole). The results show that my target audience like a slight mix up of artists, as they have also voted for Vibe which is out of the initial genre and even Mixmag although it was a smaller proportion of the votes.

What Type of Music Do You Listen to, or Prefer?
Again, 0 people chose 'Classical', 1 person chose 'Other', 3 prefer ' R'n'B', 4 listen to 'Rock', 5 for 'Pop' and finally 7 for 'Indie'. These results show, that i was right to choose an Indie genre magazine for my target audience as this scored the highest percentage of the votes, however, including the more mainstream artists as well will benefit considering that the second highest vote was for Pop. This will enlarge my audience, as well as create versatility for my magazines unique selling point which should make it more successful.

How Often Do You Buy a Magazine?
1 person that answered this question 'never' buys magazines, an equal amount of 3 people had chosen they 'rarely' buy a music magazine and buy a magazine 'once a month' however, 5 had chosen 'once a fortnight', and the remaining 8 buy magazines 'once a week'. this result indicates to me that m,y target audience read music magazines frequently, and for me to meet the needs of my audience i must be prepared to sell my magazines weekly in order to keep their interest, this also means the content of the magazine must always have versatility and a unique selling point to maintain it's attraction to the audience.

How Much Would You Spend On a Single Music magazine?
1 person has voted that they would only spend '-£1' on a magazine, 2 voted between '£1-2', 3 voted '£4+', and the remaining 14 had split almost equally with 7 choosing '£3-4' and 8 choosing '£2-3'. The reason i believe the audience may not have  chosen the cheapest options as opposed to the dearer options is because they know that by only paying a small amount the quality of the magazine wouldn't be as high as they expected whether its the content or the paper finish used, they may believe it wouldn't be up to their standards. Also if my target audience is of a slightly older age group, they have more money to spend as opposed to the younger ones who still may only get money from their parents.

What Do You Look For In a Music Magazine?
out of the 20 people that had voted, 1 person chose the category 'Other' and another person chose the category ' Posters', as for the rest of the votes 3 people look for 'Competitions', 4 for 'Photographs', 5 for 'New albums/artists', and the remaining 6 for 'Band Interviews'. This shows that my target audience prefer the actual written content of the magazine, such as the interviews and new or upcoming artists as opposed to the posters they can receive out of it.  The photographs also had a higher vote, but these would automatically come with the stories, it just means i can use a larger amount of photo's to keep the audience interested.

What Other Types of Magazines Do You Read?
1 person comes under the category of 'Other', another person also reads 'Gaming' magazines, 2 people read 'Health&Fitness' magazines, 3 read 'Beauty', and the remaining 13 as well as music magazines read 'fashion' magazines. This indicates that not only are the majority of the audience most probably women but also are all interested in fashion, which means for my magazine including style icons would be important to sell well, and to even base stories on the way artist's are styled. This option also adds to the versatility of my magazine, this is similar to the way 'Q' magazine attracts some of their audience ( e.g. the Cheryl Cole double page spread).

Which Story Idea Do You Prefer?
  • Story idea 1-'Is Faye's Solo a NO NO?'--5 votes
  • Story idea 2-' Faye's Frills to Thrills'--12 votes
  • Story idea 3-'faye's Change of Heart'--3 votes
Which Title Do You Prefer?
  • 'VERSATILE'--5 votes
  • 'RIOT!'--2 votes
  • 'A.M.N'--4 votes
  • 'CLASH'--9 votes
Which Colour Scheme Do You Prefer?
  • BLACK:RED:YELLOW--2 votes
  • BLACK:WHITE:GREEN--3 votes
  • BLACK:WHITE:RED--9 votes
Which Font Do You Prefer?
  • 'God of War'--2 votes
  • 'WC Roughtrad Bta'--3 votes
  • '28 Days later'--5 votes
  • 'Stenstreet'--11 votes

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